The government is threatening to take my kids. What can I do?
Someone made a report about my family to the child protection authorities. I'm really scared.

Duncan, BC
If a child’s safety is at risk, the Ministry of Children and Family Development has to investigate. If a child protection worker from the ministry decides there’s a risk of harm and the child needs protection, the worker can remove the child from the home. They don’t need a court order to do so.
It's best to get help from a lawyer or legal advocate as soon as you know the ministry has concerns about the safety of your child. To see if you qualify for a legal aid lawyer, contact Legal Aid BC.
Good starting points for information include:
Child protection and removal, from Dial-A-Law, offers an overview of what you should know.
Child protection process, from Legal Aid BC's Family Law website, explains the process in more detail.
Parents' Rights, Kids' Rights: A Parent's Guide to Child Protection Law in BC is a booklet from Legal Aid BC that explains child protection law.
These are good places to find a legal advocate.

Legal advocates provide free legal information and help to low-income people in the community, under the supervision of a lawyer.

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