Nicco Bautista
Nicco Bautista is a lawyer at Lumina Law in Vancouver. As a wealth management lawyer, he is a key advisor to international family offices, charities, and business owners. He helps families achieve their estate and succession planning goals in cross-cultural environments. He previously practiced as an estate litigator and solicitor at a national law firm, and spent five years at a national Canadian bank providing estate planning advice to investor clients.
Nicco has contributed to
- A Death in Your Family
- A friend I loaned money to just passed away. How do I get the money from his estate?
- Can a bank refuse to accept a power of attorney?
- Can a beneficiary transfer assets directly to a person not named in the will?
- Can a will be redacted to protect the privacy of beneficiaries?
- Do I need to probate a will in BC if the deceased was a Canadian living in the US as a permanent resident?
- I have a power of attorney for my mom. Do I have to show my sister my mom’s bank account statements?
- I want to buy a home from an estate sale. How will this affect the purchase?
- In an insurance policy, can a person's estate be named as the beneficiary?
- In making decisions for someone, how can I give them the right amount of autonomy?
- In my parents' wills, can they name me as their executor if I don't live in Canada?
- My spouse died, leaving more debts than assets. As executor, what should I do?
- My spouse has dementia and has moved into a care home. How can we sell our jointly owned home?
- Our museum received a large charitable bequest with no strings attached. How can we use it?
- To be appointed under a power of attorney for someone who lives in BC, do I need to live in the province?
- To plan for when I can’t make decisions on my own, do I need a power of attorney and a representation agreement?
- What can a beneficiary under a will do to speed up the process of distributing the estate?
- Who can witness the land title portion of an enduring power of attorney in BC?