May 1, 2018
“My employer told me I was being transferred to our company’s branch in a community 400 kms away. There's no way I could commute. My kids love their school here, and my husband has a good job that he would have to leave. I brought a claim against my employer, and won compensation as if I had been fired from my job.”
– Sharon, Coquitlam, BC

Have you been let go by your employer, either temporarily or for good? Losing your job is a stressful life event. It helps to know what your rights are. Depending on the situation, you may be entitled to a notice period or severance pay, to challenge your dismissal, or to apply for employment insurance benefits.
We’ve published five new pages on getting fired or laid off that will help you better understand your rights and options if you’re let go:
Learn about your rights if your employer has made big changes to your job; this may amount to constructive dismissal.
Learn the rules employers need to follow if you are fired.
Learn how much notice an employer needs to give you if you lose your job.
Under the law, only in a few limited circumstances can an employer lay you off temporarily.
Learn about employment insurance benefits and how to apply for EI.
Thanks to Vancouver lawyers Ashley Syer, Leanne M. Walsh, and Trevor Thomas for reviewing these pages for legal accuracy.